Healing: Source of information

This section explores the general world of healing, different types of healing modalities and techniques used.

Looking Forward Into 2020 and Back to Love

The start to the New Year can be a blessing for some and a burden for others. Whether you part take in the wave of the gusto for life with fresh starts and new beginnings or you reminisce over times past. Do you live in the now in anticipation for the future or does your […]

Journalling for Reiki & Self Transformation

Create more joy! Introduction Journalling is one of the most important activities that you can do for self analysis, self awareness and mindfulness to help you move forward in your life.  I know that’s a very profound statement to something that has been around for centuries and in recent times, as a means of venting […]

How to create a Healing Book

As we progress through the levels of Reiki we are encouraged and given the tools to share healing energies with others.  At Reiki level one we work mostly on ourselves to heal, invigorate our energy field and to clear the pathways to channel more healing light.  At Reiki level two we are given the tools […]

Reiki Mastership Programme

Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master Levels (8-month programme) Plus Intuitive Dowsing and Reiki Crystal Healing Duration: October 2024 – May 2025Venue: Ballylesson Road BelfastInvestment: £650 (Payment options available)Enquiries: Limited places available – 07428060338 Book this Course Certified workshop // Learn from a Reiki Master Teacher with over 14 years of teaching experience. The Reiki Mastership program […]

Reiki Body Massage

Relaxing, empowering & healing Availability: Taster sessions are availableVenue: Royal Avenue, BelfastDuration: Full body-60 mins, Back/neck/shoulders-30minsPrice: £30 / £60Bookings: 07428060338 /Booking form. A Reiki Body Massage combines slow, purposeful techniques with intuitive movements,a s the flow of Reiki moves in to restore ached limbs and muscles back to life.  We clear, balance and provide sustenance to the Chakras and […]

Importance of Reiki 21 Day Cleanse

When you have made the decision to move forward in your life, make a commitment to yourself and empower your own being via having a Reiki attunement, there are a number of changes that what happen to your energy bodies that may lead to some positive life changes.  You are saying to your soul, your […]

Chakra Balancing Techniques

Chakra Balancing Quick & Effective techniques Additional methods to the basic hand positions   Introduction In the Reiki level one workshop we had learned the basic hand positions for self-treatments and treating others both sitting on a chair and lying on a couch.  These additional Chakra balancing techniques will assist in aligning the Chakras/body energy […]

Reiki: Self Treatments in everday Life

As you have given yourself the gift of Reiki by being attuned to the energy, you now have the tools for self development and empowerment in your life. It is important to self treat daily for the 21 days after an attunement contained as part of the Reiki workshop.  The recommended time based on the […]

Reiki Practitioner Workshop

Upcoming: Reiki Level 2 Class in Belfast Learn Reiki healing symbols and distant healing Date: November 2024 (scheduled for 3rd)Venue: Ballylesson Road (close to Shaws Bridge), BelfastTime: 10.30-4.30pmInvestment: £ 190 (deposit required to secure place)Enquiries: Limited places available – 07428060338 Book this Course Introduction Reiki level one was mainly for healing and empowering the self, whereas […]

Reiki for Beginners Workshop

Upcoming: Reiki Level One Class Date: 11th of September 2024Venue: Ballylesson Road (close to Shaws Bridge), BelfastTime: 10.30am- 4.30pmInvestment: £160 (Places are limited & deposit required to secure place) Book this Course Why learn Reiki? There are many reasons to learn Reiki, as it is an add-on, a top-up, an enhancement to yourself and can […]