Reiki Master Teacher Belfast & Seichim Master Ireland
I am a Reiki Master Teacher, Belfast, a Seichim and Egyptian Sekhem master Teacher and a spiritual healer. The term master means that one has mastered something, and with each healing session and workshop there is always something to be learned, so a teacher of these healing art forms is more fitting. I work closely with my spirit guides and healing guides, who play a very big part in my life. I share information that I have been taught and also other knowledge I have accumulated to ensure, students and healees (people who come for healing) receive the best that I can offer.
- How it all started
- A dual path
- My passion
- My involvements to date
- A global mention
- A few of my favourite things
How it all started
I have always been of the thinking that I needed to become a part of society in terms of the rat race. Since as far as I can remember I have been learning and studying an educational curriculum which conforms to a society of dog-eat-dog, survival of the fittest ethos. Business and marketing was an area I wished to explore and acquired a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing in 2000, which gave me entry into a marketing career. In 2005 I decided I wanted to work for myself and went back to university and completed a Masters in Web Information Systems. I was awarded with a commendation by the University, soon after for the dissertation I submitted based on a project by a well-known multinational IT research company. This commendation was sponsored by a world-wide IT company. This was it, I thought, I’m flying now….little did I know something else was in the pipeline!
Let me back track a bit. At the same time in 2005 I decided to go back to study, I was also asking myself “What’s this all about, this thing called life?” “How come we work from national insurance age until the pension age? Is this all there is, work?” “After all a lot of people “Live to work, not work to Live” so no wonder stress is the number one facilitator of physical, mental and emotional health and well-being. What about life, what about living?” “What happens after life, where do we go?”
I decided to wipe the slate clean (so to speak) and find answers to the questions and find my own truth on “Who we are and where did we come from?” After a lot of synchronicities on certain information that came my way, I started to grasp concepts from quantum physics, philosophy to spirituality. To me, it seems science, religion, philosophy and spirituality are all looking for the same answers but have different ideals and methods. I also came across interesting information in relation to how advanced people lived thousands of years ago, especially when it came to health and well-being. Scientists are playing catch up to what ‘less advanced’ civilisations could achieve, the technologies and the knowledge they had back then.
A dual path I was unaware of at the time
“ A journey begins with a small step and once on the path, universal contracts are set in motion and events will yield to your inner power and ensure the journey of the heart is filled with the tools and connections it needs… “

Machu Picchu (Peru)
My path was twofold and in beginning of 2009 when my studies were finished I decided to raise money for charity and go on the Inca trail in Peru. A few months into the fundraising I injured my knee, which resulted in months of physiotherapy, which eventually prevented me from going to Peru that November. “There is a reason for everything”, they say and there was definitely another plan in the works. A book on Reiki came my way that October and the first chapter had me hooked. It explained about our body’s energy network and the universal energy field. I knew about this field due to the research I had been doing within Quantum physics and Metaphysics but the common denominator in everything is that WE ARE ENERGY beings and it is only the rate at which our particles spin or vibrate that dictates our solid state.
I thought to myself…you can actually tap into this energy via an attunement!? This was a realisation of what I had known about Quantum physics and how we are energy beings, which it is only the rate at which our particles spin or vibrate that dictates our solid state.
I received my Reiki level one attunement and progressed to a Reiki Master Teacher in Belfast and found myself attracted or being guided to other forms of healing and the rest is history.
My passion
My greatest passion is being able to assist people to empower themselves. Helping people to take control of their lives, through self-healing, self-love and by looking after their own health and well-being is blessing for which I am grateful. After all, self-responsibility and self-empowerment is the greatest gift there is and I believe in making it available for as many people as possible, hence there are many ways to attend a workshop even for ‘FREE’ (see sponsorship and outreach program). I believe that healing sessions should be accessible to everyone regardless of money, that’s why I have developed the sponsorship program but i also do treatments on a donation basis, if you cannot afford it.

Heart Chakra
I strongly believe in being a clear channel for the universal energies whether they be in the form of Reiki, Seichim, Egyptian Sekhem, Spiritual healing or any other healing modality. I give myself healing on a daily and re-attune myself to Reiki, Seichim and Egyptian Sekhem on a quarterly basis to ensure that the energies can flow as they should. This is an integral part of my regime of self-responsibility and energy field care.
An area that has been a frustration for me is the lack of ingenuity from the medical profession concerning cures to dis-eases for the mind, emotions and physical body. They all seemed to acknowledge ailments but no preventative treatments. It is a stitch you back up and send you packing mentality. I am saying this from the perspective of members of my family and extended families ill health throughout the years. Yes the treatments are effective in so as far as stabilizing the body through chemicals but the underlying dis-ease is still there and is like putting a sticking plaster, over a sticking plaster and not really healing the wound. Especially here in Northern Ireland were there has been so much suffering and the aftermath has left a void, in which people are suffering in a different way. We need to do more by looking outside of the traditional health service mandates and procedures, by opening the door further to alternative and complimentary therapies, such as energy/spiritual healing.
My involvements to date
As part of my journey I was invited to the committee of a spiritualist church and taught a healing awareness class. I am passionate about suicide awareness and prevention here in Northern Ireland so I volunteered my services to a local organisation who were involved in suicide intervention and helped the families of the bereaved who were effected by suicide. As a continuation of my passion and strong beliefs about mental health and health as a whole, I offered my services to a charity which was exactly how I envisaged the future of all well-being, to include helping those with stress and depression. One life one love is a natural healing centre soon to be open in Northern Ireland. It is a natural, holistic and alternative healing clinic, empowering of mind, body and spirit and I am privileged to be part of this great organisation as a member of the board of directors.
A global mention
Through my own truth finding mission and with the direction and loving assistance from my guides and higher self, I am certain that the story of our global history needs to be revisited; our use and spending on weapons and technology has to be redirected to regeneration and sustainability of our planet and ourselves. Our own responsibility as humans on the planet has to be addressed, in terms of our contribution, participation and at times non-participation, which can be worse. We need to awaken to our true nature, not the untruths that we have been told. The excuse ‘Sure we are only human’ is no longer acceptable, because we are human, we can change anything we want.. our future and our own lives.
A few of my favourite things
“ Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. “
That quote hit the nail on the head, so the next bit of information may make you laugh but sure, it’s all down to personal taste 🙂
- Conversations with God series
- Vibrational Medicine
- Hands of Light
- The only planet of choice
- The Perennial Tradition
- The Urantia Book
- Cradle and all
- The power of spiritual healing (Harry Edwards)
- U2
- Police
- Sterophonics
- 80’s
- Chicane
- Civil Twilight
- Foo fighters
- Funk & Soul (too many to mention)
- Divine Providence – Galalisa Star
- Shawshank redemption
- Celestine Prophies
- Man on Fire
- Band of brothers
- Sixth Sense
- Billy Connolly
- Tommy Tiernan
- Peter Kay
- Des Bishop
- Richard Prior
I’m a keen ‘photographer’ (tongue in cheek), hey I try! Here are a few snaps I have taken: