What is Seichim good for?

Neurons in the brain firing
Seichim is good for physical, emotional and mental stresses. It can help with anxiety, tension and emotional trauma as it works on all the levels of the aura simultaneously. As it works on all levels, it clears a path to get root causes of imbalances. For example, It may begin to work on your energetic system for an energy alignment, balancing the chakras and releasing blockages in meridians. In a place of energy alignment you may begin to feel an extra burst of energy which may lead to mental clarity and insight. Secondly, Seichim could work on emotional stability restoring balance to reinforce mental clarity and body vitality. This could lead to getting back to your old self (so to speak) and a sense of wellbeing. Seichim can also help with:
- Loss
- Traumatic experiences
- Self doubts
- Negative thoughts
- Fears
- Irrational behaviour
Our everyday and lifetime experiences accumulate overtime and are stored within the electromagnetic and higher frequency system (aura). Your conscious mind experiences and records, makes decisions and analyses everyday things. It cannot process everything and only filters and stores those things that matter.
Experiences can move from the conscious to the subconscious mind and may be passed to the superconscious. We shall call the aura the superconscious and is a storage house for life’s lessons and triumphs.
Occasionally traumatic experiences in our lives filter down from the superconscious to the subconscious and the conscious mind is then made aware, of past experiences in certain situations. It can have a direct effect over the actions we take. For instance, as a child you were bullied and ridiculed which was traumatic experience. Over time when you grow up your conscious mind is busy with everyday life, such as studying or thinking about work etc. The minds defence mechanisms is to repress and suppress these traumatic events in our subconscious and superconscious areas. You become withdrawn and your self esteem is low throughout life, which blocks the normal flow of your energy system.
A situation arises in work that reminds you of that time you were bullied and triggers an onslaught of mental, emotional stress bringing on physical conditions such as fatigue and depression. You miss work to avoid that situation that was similar to your childhood. Unless this situation is dealt with, it will always control certain parts of your life. The natural flow of the energetic system needs to be restored and the situation needs to be resolved. That’s why hypnotherapy can work for these types of situations. Seichim is used within the layers of the aura (superconscious, energetic system) providing a space and opportunity for the experience to be released in line with what the person needs at that particular time.
Seichim, your emotions and everyday life
The aura and higher bodies are affected by external influences and you can actually sense or ‘feel’ certain situations. You are connected to your aura and affected by, and interact with energies from your external environment such as with people, animals, trees, plants etc.

Brain receiving external signals
Have you ever walked into a room and felt as if you could cut the air with a knife? When meeting someone new do you ever sense what type of person they are or get good or bad vibes? Why when you are nervous do you get butterflies in your stomach? You feel love coming from the heart or why do get choked up when trying to speak? They are all physical reactions to emotional stimuli. The stimuli come from your higher bodies or aura through the chakras and into your nervous system via glands that govern our hormones such as adrenaline. These ‘vibes’ are constantly communicating with your energy field (aura) and are transmitted to your physical body as a reaction or a response.
It is beneficial to ensure your energy system and aura is kept to optimal wellness and flowing correctly, with sufficient life force or Ki energy to keep the body healthy, the mind clear and emotions in place. Seichim as a healing process flows into these areas and can help a person to gently deal with those situations and events. It may reveal to you or bring up a past memory stored in your higher bodies to give you an opportunity to resolve them. You already know what is affecting you, you already know what you need to do, and you know how to resolve your own issues. You already have all the answers and may need extra help in allowing yourself to find some insight, thereby naturally healing yourself.