Reiki Courses
Usui said: “If Reiki can be spread throughout the world it would touch the human heart and the morals of society. It will be helpful for many people, not only healing disease, but the earth as a whole”

Reiki Power Symbol
Reiki courses are a powerful way to experience, learn and be attuned to the energy, which is passed from Master/teacher to student. We provide the courses throughout Northern Ireland and welcome interest from outside of Belfast through our sponsorship and outreach program. This attunement process opens the chakras particularly the crown, heart and palms in order for the Reiki to flow through the body and into the recipients. Once you are attuned to the energy, it can be channelled for life. . These attunements occur at each level of a Reiki course:
- At the Reiki 1 attunement you have the ability to channel the Reiki energy to treat yourself and family members. This is an important time to focus on yourself and take care of your own well-being, as you vibration has been raised.
- Reiki 2 attunement is the practitioner level which you can give healing treatments to the public if you choose to and you are given a selection of empowering symbols to enhance the treatments. Distance healing is taught and your vibration is raised to a higher level.
- Reiki master attunement is yet a finer vibration to continue to open up your awareness and connection. You are empowered with the Reiki master symbol.
- Reiki master teacher level is a decision made be you to teach others and share your knowledge gained through experience you have had with your Reiki journey. You are shown how to pass attunements to others and how to prepare and organise workshops.
Anyone can be attuned and learn Reiki from the young to the old no matter what disposition or belief system as the energy is boundless, timeless and universal.
The reasons for learning Reiki are endless but first and foremost it is for your own well-being, personal and spiritual journey but can open up to many possibilities such as:
- To heal yourself of illnesses from the physical to emotional and dealing with stresses and anxiety.
- To enhance personal growth if you are already on that path, it is a great catalyst for clearing paths to get to where you want to be in life.
- To aid spiritual growth, as it clears resistance and circumstances to instil greater awareness of your being.
- To help a sick relative or friend in their journey through life
- Those persons already involved in care practices e.g. Nurses, doctors, psychotherapists, holistic therapists or anyone in the caring profession to include those who care for animals. May want to enhance their care by allowing the energy to assist in their work.
Reiki courses are run over either one or two days depending on Reiki levels and numbers. Classes are kept small so that any questions can be asked freely and a personal approach allows more time given to each person throughout the duration of the workshops. Small groups also tend to bond quickly and share freely.
A big part of my belief about teaching is in areas of support for those learning, who can call at any time with queries about their Reiki journey. I am also a strong believer in practice and my workshops allow for a lot of time for practice. Razure Reiki share groups also give students the chance to practice and share experiences with each other on a monthly basis.
A natural progression through the energy courses is to learn, develop and grow in the following order: