Reiki Practitioner Workshop

Upcoming: Reiki Level 2 Class in Belfast

Learn Reiki healing symbols and distant healing

Date: November 2024 (scheduled for 3rd)
Venue: Ballylesson Road (close to Shaws Bridge), Belfast
Time: 10.30-4.30pm
Investment: £ 190 (deposit required to secure place)
Enquiries: Limited places available – 07428060338


Reiki level one was mainly for healing and empowering the self, whereas Reiki level two is for enhancing and building upon both the vibration of the individual and shifting from self-empowerment to empowering others through your own practices (if you choose to). You will learn the Reiki healing symbols at this level to enhance your existing practices, new practices and techniques but also in the use as part of a healing session. Sending Reiki over distances is an important part of Reiki level two and this is also learned and practised.

Reiki Symbols

These ancient symbols used within Reiki and many healing modalities were first Sanskrit and Kanji characters used by Tibetan Buddhist monks for an extra focus of intent and as seed characters for meditative focus, among other things.  Each Reiki healing symbols are sacred “keys” to unlock different ways to practice healing by their structure and element of intent.

Reiki symbols and meanings

Reiki power symbolPower Symbol

The power symbol can be used to increase the power or flow of Reiki.  It can be used for empowering a healing session to cleansing spaces such as rooms, houses, cars and objects including food and drink.  It can be used to enhance the other symbols and increase their potency.  Here are some further uses of the Power symbol:

  • Empowerment Can be used for empowering intent, such as affirmations, meditations or Reiki itself
  • Clearance of stagnant energy It can be used for cleansing spaces, such as Rooms, houses, cars and objects such as food and drink.
  • Sealing  Sealing energy in after a healing session to maintain the work that has been done. Sealing energy into objects such as good luck pendants etc.
  • Protection  The power symbol can be used to invoke protection in many ways such as to ensure safe passage on a person, over your home or family and pets. It’s a powerful intent of love and surrounding, blessing someone/thing with grace and protection.

The power symbol is translated as ‘The Key to unlocking the Power within’ meaning “by Divine Command” or ‘Imperial Decree”.  This Incredibly powerful affirmation is more than it appears on the surface. By invoking the Power symbol you are stating that by the will or universal, creator Power within us all, you as an expression of that universal-Force, intend that the healing takes place.

Reiki balancing symbolBalancing Symbol

It is referred to as the Mental or emotional symbol and its meaning or intent are to bring balance to these areas of the auric field or object, space or situations. Emotional balance for fear, anxiety, stress, depression and help with any releases of the emotional body. It balances both of the hemispheres of the brain bringing calmness and clarity.

The major uses of this symbol are:

  • Relieving conditions that have a Mental or Emotional basis.
  • Countering addictions.
  • Improvement of memory.
  • Enhancing affirmations.
  • Creating harmony in relationships.

You can use the balancing symbol for yourself and others to bring balance and calmness to a situation.

Reiki distant symbolDistant Symbol

The distant symbol according to a Buddhist perspective is to call “mindfulness” or “correct thought is the essence of being”. It’s also interpreted that “there is no separation between the person you are healing at a distance and yourself”. That time, space and oneness are evident.

The distant symbol is used to assist in sending Reiki healing over a distance e.g. You have an uncle who lives a few miles away and you can’t physically go there or maybe he lives in Canada, then you can ‘send’ Reiki from where you are sitting. Another use is to send healing or comfort to situations in the past or for things to come, such as an interview for a job or when someone is having a future operation.

This symbol can be translated as ‘May the root cause, or origin of this persons problem find the correct and just solution. It is my intention to produce healing and awareness within this person for complete wholeness and enlightenment Now!’

You will learn how to send healing over a distance, in other words, you can send healing to anyone, anywhere in the world from your chair.  We will also be delving into healing the past, present and future or sending healing to those ‘time periods’ for love, comfort and support of yourself or someone else.

We will also be going through how to set up your own Reiki practice and how to facilitate one to one healing session.  Comprehensive manuals and certificates of completion with be provided with ample time for practice.  Oh and you will also be given access to the student portal continuing additional materials, videos and more.


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