What is Reiki? or What is Reiki Healing?
what is reiki? or what is Reiki healing? – “Reiki is a non-intrusive system on natural healing, involving the laying on of hands and probably thousands of years old. As a healing therapy it accelerates your body’s natural healing process by stimulating and boosting the immune system.”
It is believed Reiki was used by Tibetan Buddhist monks and is a powerful but simple technique used to correct imbalances in the body’s biological and energy system. Reiki enhances our natural healing process by creating the conditions during a session and igniting the cells in our body to action. On a physical level it nourishes the glands that look after and repair our organs and relaxes the nervous system. Reiki is holistic, meaning it also facilitates healing of emotional trauma and mental stresses and concerns at the same time.
Reiki name explained
In explaining ‘what is Reiki? or what is Reiki healing?’, we will start by defining its name. The name can be broken down into two Japanese words ‘Rei’ and ‘Ki’. ‘Rei’ meaning spiritually or universally guided. Spiritually guided often refers to the source and direction of the energy through its intelligence when treating people. ‘Ki’ is known as ‘life force’ and this force permeates all living things. Reiki is therefore translated as spiritually or universally guided life force energy.
Ki is also known as Qi, Chi or Prana, in Chinese and Hindu cultures. It is known as Mana in Hawaii and Lung in Tibet. The respect and understanding of these ancient cultures have for this life force energy spans thousands of years. Martial arts such as Kung Fu, Karate, Qi Gong and T’ai-Chi seek to harness, manipulate and store this life force energy, through body movement and breathing. Life force (Ki) is behind our own body energy and vitality, plainly put- if we had no life force we would not exist.
How does Reiki work?
Scientists (Physicists) are now discovering what these ancient civilisations knew all those years ago through Quantum Physics. They study the world of atoms, protons and electrons the inner world we cannot see with the normal physical eye and are finding we are made up of energy or vibration. This is something that Einstein stated in his work from1905 with his famous formula E=MC2. Energy is matter and matter is energy, which is the basis of energy medicine and energy healing techniques.
Studies carried out to measure our body’s electrical current noted that there are particular areas which are stronger than others, these high ‘energy’ spots are known as Chakras and their job is to transform the Ki energy to be used and distributed throughout us.
There are seven major chakras shown in the diagram from the root chakra (Red) to the throat chakra (blue) and Crown (white or violet). Each chakra transfers the Ki energy to smaller chakras called nadis and to meridians that form 12 vertical lines through their acupoints. Therapies such as reflexology, massage and acupuncture techniques are all based on our energy system.
Physical discomfort and ailments stem from blockages in the flow of Ki energy. Acupuncturists place needles in specific acupoints (known as the body’s portals of energy entry) to release the block and allow the flow of energy. Reflexologists manipulate certain points in the feet to release energy blocks. Reiki known as a hands-on technique does the same job but clears the energy blockages by boosting the flow with like for like Ki energy.
Basically it uses the same energy that is already in our bodies and gives it more of the same. Using energy for treating illnesses is something that traditional medicine has begun to effectively use:
- Radiation to treat cancer
- Electricity to alleviate pain and shrink tumours
- Electro magnetic fields to stimulate fracture healing
- Magnetic fields to reduce pain and in the use on Arthritis for inflammation
Reiki for Chakra dysfunction
The proper functioning of the chakras is also affected by emotional, mental and spiritual issues. Chakra dysfunction may occur if these issues persist and deprive the flow of energy to the bodily region such as the glands and organs. This could lead to disease and illness. Using the following example I will explain dysfunction a bit more:
“You are stressed out in work or worried about a financial situation. As a result of the mental thinking, you start to feel stressed and express emotions such as fear, anger and worry. In turn this causes chakras to dysfunction, which affects your nervous system, glands, organs and your body’s ability to heal itself, leading to physical reaction. The greater the dysfunction the greater the physical reaction- headache, ulcers, skin disorders, high blood pressure or more serious ailments.”
The key is to have energy balance and life balance, what Chinese medicine calls the balance of Ying and Yang. Reiki is used to ensure the energy flow to the chakra is clear. It cleanses the body and promotes balance and wellbeing in turn providing mental clarity, emotional stability. Reiki is used for a lot of physical ailments and helps with stress release and depression.
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Vivamus tempus consequat est nec porta. Pellentesque sed eros enim. Nullam metus massa, tincidunt pulvinar iaculis quis, interdum at nulla. Integer pretium ante vitae nibh ullamcorper tempus. Duis lacus odio, hendrerit nec feugiat non, euismod vel odio. Etiam id fermentum dui. Phasellus nulla velit, blandit nec eleifend eget, vehicula id eros. Praesent luctus diam gravida risus convallis aliquet. Integer euismod dapibus libero, non fermentum libero commodo ac. Aenean vulputate velit sit amet lectus aliquam tristique. Ut sodales volutpat porttitor. Cras viverra arcu ac velit feugiat at tempor massa ultrices. Vestibulum nunc odio, consectetur quis dignissim ut, faucibus et nunc. Phasellus auctor mauris nec mi posuere dapibus. Integer sem nisl, viverra eget vehicula at, tristique quis mauris. Pellentesque eleifend egestas tortor elementum blandit.
Quisque nec velit arcu, quis mollis enim. Donec rhoncus aliquet diam ut hendrerit. Integer in sapien eget sapien faucibus ultrices vitae quis tortor. Aenean vestibulum tellus eu felis ullamcorper varius. Donec est justo, mollis sed lacinia nec, sagittis quis nulla. Sed ut nisi magna, id vehicula ante. Etiam suscipit, odio nec condimentum consequat, enim sapien bibendum felis, quis laoreet massa nibh id quam. Nulla facilisi. Quisque vel malesuada purus. Aenean ac tincidunt augue. Curabitur erat leo, vestibulum sit amet porttitor nec, tincidunt nec mauris.
Integer placerat dolor at tortor feugiat lobortis. Proin sed arcu nec odio lacinia sagittis. Ut congue dapibus nulla ac commodo. Aliquam non suscipit ipsum. In fermentum ullamcorper nisl, nec gravida lorem viverra sit amet. Aliquam vitae nisl nibh. Nam a neque orci, eget fermentum neque. Vivamus non enim dolor. Aliquam lobortis laoreet pulvinar. Nulla volutpat risus ut felis ultricies et lobortis lacus adipiscing. In feugiat ligula vitae nisl sodales accumsan.
Sed tristique semper dui, vel mattis augue suscipit ut. Nulla eu dui commodo leo rhoncus molestie et non leo. Nunc adipiscing mi dignissim nisl cursus nec pellentesque purus mollis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus tristique nisi sit amet lacus hendrerit fermentum eget a nunc. Aenean mi felis, commodo et aliquet sed, tempor eu ligula. Maecenas blandit nunc non risus semper viverra. Donec vulputate porta risus ac aliquet. Proin consequat suscipit enim, nec mattis quam imperdiet et. Etiam eget massa eu nulla ultrices vehicula et ac urna.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer convallis ipsum id mi bibendum nec viverra risus rhoncus. Vestibulum id leo enim. Nullam lacinia felis sit amet neque tempus id porta nibh bibendum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam non lectus eu est suscipit porta. Integer massa lectus, ullamcorper eget ullamcorper sit amet, fringilla ac urna. Vestibulum id mi suscipit velit eleifend elementum quis sit amet magna. Suspendisse nisi turpis, tempus id rutrum eu, condimentum sed nunc. Morbi convallis ullamcorper lorem et laoreet. Etiam pellentesque augue vel nibh convallis adipiscing. Etiam id lacinia velit. Pellentesque a faucibus arcu. Proin nisi tellus, vestibulum in scelerisque quis, aliquam in est. Donec ut elementum eros. Integer faucibus, turpis quis consectetur commodo, velit lacus imperdiet dui, sed laoreet mi velit vel odio. Nam ut ante in urna tempus adipiscing.
Vivamus tempus consequat est nec porta. Pellentesque sed eros enim. Nullam metus massa, tincidunt pulvinar iaculis quis, interdum at nulla. Integer pretium ante vitae nibh ullamcorper tempus. Duis lacus odio, hendrerit nec feugiat non, euismod vel odio. Etiam id fermentum dui. Phasellus nulla velit, blandit nec eleifend eget, vehicula id eros. Praesent luctus diam gravida risus convallis aliquet. Integer euismod dapibus libero, non fermentum libero commodo ac. Aenean vulputate velit sit amet lectus aliquam tristique. Ut sodales volutpat porttitor. Cras viverra arcu ac velit feugiat at tempor massa ultrices. Vestibulum nunc odio, consectetur quis dignissim ut, faucibus et nunc. Phasellus auctor mauris nec mi posuere dapibus. Integer sem nisl, viverra eget vehicula at, tristique quis mauris. Pellentesque eleifend egestas tortor elementum blandit.
Quisque nec velit arcu, quis mollis enim. Donec rhoncus aliquet diam ut hendrerit. Integer in sapien eget sapien faucibus ultrices vitae quis tortor. Aenean vestibulum tellus eu felis ullamcorper varius. Donec est justo, mollis sed lacinia nec, sagittis quis nulla. Sed ut nisi magna, id vehicula ante. Etiam suscipit, odio nec condimentum consequat, enim sapien bibendum felis, quis laoreet massa nibh id quam. Nulla facilisi. Quisque vel malesuada purus. Aenean ac tincidunt augue. Curabitur erat leo, vestibulum sit amet porttitor nec, tincidunt nec mauris.
Integer placerat dolor at tortor feugiat lobortis. Proin sed arcu nec odio lacinia sagittis. Ut congue dapibus nulla ac commodo. Aliquam non suscipit ipsum. In fermentum ullamcorper nisl, nec gravida lorem viverra sit amet. Aliquam vitae nisl nibh. Nam a neque orci, eget fermentum neque. Vivamus non enim dolor. Aliquam lobortis laoreet pulvinar. Nulla volutpat risus ut felis ultricies et lobortis lacus adipiscing. In feugiat ligula vitae nisl sodales accumsan.
Sed tristique semper dui, vel mattis augue suscipit ut. Nulla eu dui commodo leo rhoncus molestie et non leo. Nunc adipiscing mi dignissim nisl cursus nec pellentesque purus mollis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus tristique nisi sit amet lacus hendrerit fermentum eget a nunc. Aenean mi felis, commodo et aliquet sed, tempor eu ligula. Maecenas blandit nunc non risus semper viverra. Donec vulputate porta risus ac aliquet. Proin consequat suscipit enim, nec mattis quam imperdiet et. Etiam eget massa eu nulla ultrices vehicula et ac urna.