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Free meditations, Energy exercises, Research & Courses

Upcoming Events

Reiki Level 2
4th May
Reiki Level 1
20th April
Egyptian Sekhem 1
7th April
Reiki Mastership Programme
21st April
Reiki Level 1
9th June
Reiki Teachers
2nd June
Reiki Master Level
12th May


Our workshops are catered for small groups, so that the learning experience is more personal. All of our workshops include Comprehensive Manuals & Certificates of Achievement. We provide lots of opportunity for practice and Q&As...

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" A journey begins with a small step and once on the path, universal contracts are set in motion, and events will yield to your inner power to ensure the journey of the heart is filled with the tools and connections it needs...."
Razure Energy Healing

Energy Healing introduction

Energy healing, also known as Energy medicine is a form of energy therapy to facilitate a holistic approach to wellness, that works on regaining physical health, mind clarity, emotional stability and spiritual well-being.

Einstein’s famous formula E=MC2 infers that energy and matter are the same substance. Matter is a form of energy and energy is can also be matter. We are energy beings in a physical body and in order to function on a daily basis was get our energy from food, water, plants, the sun and the air around us. They provide us with the vitamins and minerals that we need to sustain our bodies. Ancient traditions all over the globe have stated that this life force energy is flowing within and around us as an interconnected field of consciousness from the higher/spirit, the mind, emotions and then the physical. Working like a cascading effect from top down and when there is imbalance in our emotions, we in turn have physical symptoms, such as high blood pressure because of stress. At the physical body level this current of energy is in constant communication with our cells, organs and nervous system, and based on our wellbeing is in direct relationship with how this current is flowing throughout the body. If there is a block or restriction in the flow of life force energy then physical ailments will occur.

Energy medicine releases and eases the flow of life force energy throughout our bodies and helps to replenish cells and organs and promoting mental clarity and emotional stability. It works on our chakras, our aura and the interconnected web of energy network that is part of us.

What is Energy Healing?

As we are energy beings, we thrive on natural energy on a daily basis but it is the flow of life force that dictates our health and wellbeing. So would it not be beneficial to give our body what it needs? Would it not be logical to top-up your own energy supplies? Would you not be honouring your spirit by seeking to resolve issues in your life force energy? Healing raises the vibration of the healing practitioners body in order and in turn transfers to the person receiving the energy. Acupuncture releases blocks of energy within the body within the body stimulate the free flow of life force energy by pinning needles in specific places, working on the same premise as energy healing.

Reiki, Seichim, Spiritual healing, Crystal healing and Egytpian Sekhem are a few examples of energy healing being used around the world today. Therapeutic touch is another form of healing, which was taught to thousands of nurses in America. It is therefore not surprising, that 800 American hospitals offered Reiki, as part of their hospital services in 2007. In the previous year 161,000 children and 1.2 million adults were in receipt of the energy healing therapy.

We need to introduce energy medicine, as part of the allopathic or traditional medical system, as part of the mental and emotional healing process within health services, for the body is a holistic connected system, as opposed to separate.

Energy Healing on CNN (News)

Latest: Information & Research

You'll find some great information, research and food for thought and maybe some aha! moments!

Seek the truth, heal the self

Introduction: I was asked to do a talk a while back and the following writing was inspired by that request. It came out as a passionate, part channeled, part inspired and some logical reasoning to how we can view things from a different perspective by just tilting our heads, opening our eyes and seeing the […]

Reiki for Beginners Workshop

Upcoming: Reiki Level One Class Date: 11th of September 2024Venue: Ballylesson Road (close to Shaws Bridge), BelfastTime: 10.30am- 4.30pmInvestment: £160 (Places are limited & deposit required to secure place) Book this Course Why learn Reiki? There are many reasons to learn Reiki, as it is an add-on, a top-up, an enhancement to yourself and can […]

Reiki Practitioner Workshop

Upcoming: Reiki Level 2 Class in Belfast Learn Reiki healing symbols and distant healing Date: November 2024 (scheduled for 3rd)Venue: Ballylesson Road (close to Shaws Bridge), BelfastTime: 10.30-4.30pmInvestment: £ 190 (deposit required to secure place)Enquiries: Limited places available – 07428060338 Book this Course Introduction Reiki level one was mainly for healing and empowering the self, whereas […]

Reiki: Self Treatments in everday Life

As you have given yourself the gift of Reiki by being attuned to the energy, you now have the tools for self development and empowerment in your life. It is important to self treat daily for the 21 days after an attunement contained as part of the Reiki workshop.  The recommended time based on the […]

Chakra Balancing Techniques

Chakra Balancing Quick & Effective techniques Additional methods to the basic hand positions   Introduction In the Reiki level one workshop we had learned the basic hand positions for self-treatments and treating others both sitting on a chair and lying on a couch.  These additional Chakra balancing techniques will assist in aligning the Chakras/body energy […]

Importance of Reiki 21 Day Cleanse

When you have made the decision to move forward in your life, make a commitment to yourself and empower your own being via having a Reiki attunement, there are a number of changes that what happen to your energy bodies that may lead to some positive life changes.  You are saying to your soul, your […]

Reiki Body Massage

Relaxing, empowering & healing Availability: Taster sessions are availableVenue: Royal Avenue, BelfastDuration: Full body-60 mins, Back/neck/shoulders-30minsPrice: £30 / £60Bookings: 07428060338 /Booking form. A Reiki Body Massage combines slow, purposeful techniques with intuitive movements,a s the flow of Reiki moves in to restore ached limbs and muscles back to life.  We clear, balance and provide sustenance to the Chakras and […]

Reiki Mastership Programme

Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master Levels (8-month programme) Plus Intuitive Dowsing and Reiki Crystal Healing Duration: October 2024 – May 2025Venue: Ballylesson Road BelfastInvestment: £650 (Payment options available)Enquiries: Limited places available – 07428060338 Book this Course Certified workshop // Learn from a Reiki Master Teacher with over 14 years of teaching experience. The Reiki Mastership program […]

Repeating patterns in life

Cycling trivialities and things that keep on happening in life Have you ever had something happening over and over again with the eventual awareness of it happening? Have you ever had a ‘why me’ situation?  Do you get caught in the loop of doing the same things over and over again? Do you attract the […]

Energy Boost Technique: Light Core Connection

Light Core Connection I was given this exercise or practice in order to pass on to students and clients as a means of an energy boost by infusing your body and Auric field with source and earth energies. Both energy sources are readily available but often not utilised properly.  In its natural state it did not […]