Spiritual Healing Defined
Spiritual Healing or Laying of Hands is a direct to source energy through prayer and intention
What is Spiritual Healing?
Spiritual healing or laying on hands is a transfer of divine healing energies, through prayer and intention, by way of direct connection to source or creation and with the co-operation of spirit team, Holy Spirit or Angelic realm. A healing channel is often called a spiritual healer and guides work through them to assist, mediate and transfer energy to the healing recipient.
A spiritual healer will have a close resonance or connection with their appointed healing guides and it is this connection that is the formulation of a unique and divine display of harmony seen in this physical realm because it is the melding of soul with spirit. It is said that it is ‘from spirit’, ‘through spirit’ and ‘to spirit’, meaning from divine source through the healing channels (healer) spirit to the spirit of the healee (person being treated).
How does Spiritual Healing work?
If we use the analogy of the states of matter by looking at a substance such as water (it can be Solid, Liquid or Gaseous), we can describe how healing guides work with, and through a healer:
Our physical body in appearance could be said to be in a ‘solid’ state. As our density is high and most things in our physical reality is dense. This means that we are in a low vibration of energy, and with high density comes low vibration. Vibration is also measured in light and sound, so in looking in the physical world the colours we see span from red to violet with red being the lowest light wave and frequency. In the spirit realm, the vibration is high and the density is low, therefore, this is beyond what we can see with our physical eyes, as the colours and light are beyond our highest colour wave, which is Violet.
In waters solid state it becomes ice, so if we imagine that we are a ‘body of ice’, being solid to touch, which is our physical body, resonating at a low vibration.
In the liquid state water is fluid or plasma and can be a conductor for a lot of things. If we can imagine our energy bodies or electromagnetic fields as a liquid state being fluid like, resonating at a high vibration. Higher than what we can see with our physical eyes, outside of the light frequency range (red to violet, as we see in rainbows). This fluid like plasma energy field changes colour, as we change throughout our lives and reflects our state of health and wellbeing. As such, it is also a super conductor, meaning that we can attract certain things to us energetically (law of attraction), it intermingles with other peoples fields, and can store events, emotions and intentions like a magnetic recording device.
Water can also be a gas and in this state can be seen as a mist of condensation but in reality it is invisible, which can be likened to our higher spiritual bodies resonating at a higher vibration. The Angelic realm and healing guides can be said to be in this gaseous or semi-luminal state and when they work with a healer, they are working through and melding with the healers higher spiritual bodies in order to transfer energy down through to the physical body out the hands of the healer. The same could be used to describe the direct connection from source to a healer’s spiritual body, down through to the physical level.
Spiritual healing can be done on a one to one basis and via distant healing. Distance healing involves sending the healing over a distance, directed by source and healing guides. It works by the healer making a connection with the recipient and a healing intention sent out to the person or people. Distance healing is especially utilised when the person is in hospital or unable to make the journey for a ‘hands on’ treatment.
Benefits of Spiritual Healing
It has become clear that depression and other emotional disorders can cause a suppression of the body’s natural defences against illness and can be translated into being susceptible to a physical condition. Conditions such as ulcers, viruses, high blood pressure and tension headaches, to name a few, are symptomatic of stress and emotional imbalances. . Spiritual healing can provide, balance and repair to the subtle energies and an energetic boost physical body of the individual. It has been stated by the British medical association “…that recoveries take place under spiritual healing that cannot be explained by medical science.”
Guides and Healers in Relationship to Healing Modalities
When a healer is facilitating the space and providing an energy vibration for the body to heal he/she will be working with their guides, their own soul energy and higher wisdom. Guides will assist in the process by many methods such as active communication throughout the session to relay and impart information about the clients field and/or a direct hands on approach to guide the healing session and the healer ( as per the states of matter provided above). Hence, at times the ‘type’ of energy does not matter.