Meaning ‘power of powers’ or ‘might’, Seichim is similar to Reiki healing by working on our higher bodies to balance a person mentally and emotionally but also used for physical ailments.
Seichim healing has its origins in Egypt and was the place it was recently ‘rediscovered’. Like Reiki it is also ‘received’ by practitioners like a radio signal and transmitted through the practitioner’s crown, out their hands and into a person’s body. The hands may also be placed over the chakra areas within the energy field.
Body energy field and chakras

Our body is an energetic system, which simplified flows through the chakras and into our endocrine system (glands) and into our organs. The chakras can be measured with instruments as was as the frequency of all of our organs.
This measurable frequency is an electromagnetic energy field and if the flow of this frequency is interrupted then the body manifests illness. The field extends in, around and through the body. It keeps everything ticking, such as our nervous system and heart rate. As shown in the energy field and chakra diagram our energy field is interconnected and our heart is the focal point within it. Using an ECG we can monitor this frequency within the heart and with MRI scans we can measure and view our internal body to look for any illnesses.
Seichim and the Aura
This energy field is also called the Aura and the higher bodies, although not all of these bodies can be measured using present equipment but they can be photographed using a Kirlian camera. Adept people can also see them. Our Aura is a holistic system, meaning that each layer of the aura affects another and in turn can have an affect on the physical body. Each of the chakras are also apart of and related to each of the higher bodies.

A disruption to the flow to the aura occurs when we are mentally and emotionally out of balance. Explained in What is Seichim good for? traumatic events in our lives can lead to stress, feeling depressed and emotionally drained. As the mental body or mental layer is stressed, the layer below is affected (emotional body) and if traumatic enough, it filters into the Etheric layer and to the physical were illness can manifest.
For instance, you have been in a traumatic car accident you recover from your injuries but you have nightmares and have a fear of getting back into the car. The brain records the event and the mental processes and emotional trauma is still there in the layers in your energy field. You recall the events over and over again and they cause energetic blocks disrupting the flow into the chakras and into your organs. You develop insomnia, fatigue, fear and nervous reactions to everyday traffic events.
When we are balanced and the aura is free flowing and the chakras are functioning, we tend to have mental clarity, emotional stability, energy and vitality for life. Not forgetting physical wellness. This cascade effect from aura to chakra to the physical body is the natural flow of wellbeing. When physical ailments get treated and the higher bodies are left untreated, there is a high risk in the return of physical conditions. You can now see how important your frame of mind and emotional states are to your physical health.
Seichim flows into the aura, chakras and physical body and may help a person to gently deal and release these energetic blocks that are causing stress, depression or anxiety. Seichim balances and merges the higher bodies and dissolves barriers to the higher self. It also strengthens the energy and light body (matter is energy and energy is lightenergy healing).