Seichim Healing
Seichim is a sacred energy healing system, rooted in ancient Egypt and rediscovered in modern times. Deeply transformative, Seichim promotes healing, balance, and spiritual connection.

Seichim healing like Reiki healing does not advocate any belief system, religious or otherwise, it is what it is, without prejudice or preconceptions. Seichim healing began much like Reiki with an instantaneous initiation into the energy this time by Patrick Ziegler in the great pyramid of Egypt. He connected with the Seichim energy through his heart chakra by way of the infinity symbol (horizontal figure eight). Patrick also had further Sufi initiations whilst still in Egypt and went back to the US and began to harness and spread this healing energy to others. Since then it has gone world wide and has expanded into all cultures and traditions and it is often combined with Reiki healing and other healing modalities.
What is Seichim? describes Seichim healing as a different vibrational healing energy than Reiki but both are complementary. We begin by explaining our energetic system in relation to the chakras and how Seichim can work on all auric levels simultaneously. How our life experiences are examined next and how they can stay in our energy fields until they are cleared.
What is Seichim good for? contains particular areas or situations in life that Seichim can work on such as traumatic experiences, loss or fears. Again going into more detail on how our energy bodies are all connected and affect our everyday life. Benefits of Seichim are exlpained and Seichim Belfast describes the use of Razure Energy Healing treatments with Seichim in Belfast and details what’s involved before, during and after a treatment.
Seichim in ancient Egypt
Egypt itself has always a mystical place and hides its secrets well. Hieroglyphs (wall paintings) show a type of hands on healing taking place, reflexology and massage has its origins in Egypt again depicted on drawings. They reportedly used sound, crystal and colour healing and the pyramids were energy portals. The pyramids of Giza studied by modern engineers and architects still see the construction as impossibility, even to today’s standards. The alignment and accuracy of the dimensions and precision could not be replicated using modern technology. The Egyptians knew their stuff and in my opinion Seichim energies were used thousands of years ago and longer but have been ready and waiting for such a time that we could appreciate the scope of the energy and accept it into our bodies for use at this stage in our evolution.
Egyptian Sekhem is another form of energy healing which is a higher vibration that Reiki and Seichim. You can view further information here.
What is Seichim
A different and finer tuned vibration than Reiki
Benefits of Reiki
Effective for relaxation, pain relief, and stress reduction
What is Reiki used for?
To bring balance to the Autonomic Nervous System
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