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Seichim with Reiki for Healing

Enhance your awareness and connection by combining Reiki with Seichim

Using both Seichim with Reiki

As with all things in this reality everything vibrates at their own frequency and state of being.  Physical matter is of course the lowest frequency, closest t the physical is the etheric and so on.  A tree is denser than and of a lower vibratory rate than clouds.  The wind on the other hand is resonating higher than both.  As you can tell the higher the frequency the harder it is to see with the physical eye; the same going for the colour spectrum from red to violet, anything above and beyond we cannot see.

Seichim and Reiki as different vibrations of energy

reiki beam of lightReiki and Seichim are similar in that they come from the Universal energy field or source field but they also vibrate at a different frequency.  When the hands are placed on the body in a treatment, you could say that Reiki works from the physical body out into the subtle bodies but the more it ascends through the subtle bodies, the energy disperses.  Seichim on the other hand when the hands are placed on the body tends to ascend in a focused manner and not being dispersed as easily.  It also resonates very closely with the emotional and mental bodies.  It could be said it is similar to a laser beam in that the vibration of Seichim is a consistent, focused bandwidth, whereas Reiki is more of a dispersed bandwidth of light energy.

seichim focused beam of lightWhite light contains the full colour spectrum and if we look at a torch the light bounces off objects like a prism but the beam is spread, thus you cannot see any further as it is moves further away.  Now, look at a beam from a laser pen, which is focused and tightly packed.  This helps it move through the air further and does not spread or disperse as easily like a torch.  In other words it keeps its light in tact longer as it moves through the air or ether.  Indigo blue is the colour that in my awareness closely matches the Seichim light energy.

We can work on all areas of the body and higher bodies with both energies but when we need that little bit of a boost in the focus of the energy (especially within the emotional body), Seichim can be best utilised in these situations.

Complimentary energies for healing

Both energies vibrate at a different rate but they are complimentary in their use for healing.  By using both you have more tools to balance those stubborn chakras that need balanced and realigned, as well as auric bumps that need dispersed.  As with all vibrational upgrades or additions to your energy field, they all enhance the existing blocks of energy flowing through you for healing purposes.