What is Reiki used for?
Reiki is used for a range of physical, emotional and mental imbalances but we are going to look at it from a physical perspective. Each of our glands (shown in the diagram) has a specific purpose. Glands produce hormones and these hormones trigger physical responses such as the ‘flight or fight response’ mode, which is a surge in energy triggered by adrenaline. Other hormones are needed for daily alertness e.g. when it is daylight our pineal gland knows to keep us awake. When it is dark the same gland tells our bodies that its time to rest and sleep. Additionally, when we are happy we release endorphins (hormones) that boost our immune systems.
Reiki used to accelerate body natural healing

Glands are also responsible for organ growth and repair. Each of the seven chakras (labelled in the diagram) are situated directly over our 7 glands, providing them with life force or Ki energy. In turn, Ki energy supplies, stimulates and regulates our organs, cells and blood stream. Reiki practitioners work with each of the chakras and subtle bodies to supply them with extra energy and to provide an opportunity for our natural healing process to kick-start. Reiki is also used to accelerate our natural healing through the increase of Ki energy by removing blockages in the energetic system and rebalancing dysfunctional chakras (see What is reiki?).
Our bodies heal themselves and we have been our own healers from birth. When we bleed the body ensures the healing process starts by coagulating the blood to stop the bleeding. We typically grow new bones every 6 weeks, which is why after a break or strain the physician normally advises 6 weeks for repair. We grow new hair daily and skin cells monthly and 98% of our cells a replaced each year. So you can see our body is an autonomic healing machine without our conscious awareness. Sometimes we may need additional help with our body’s natural healing process:
- When the illness overwhelms the body’s system, such as a virus or longer term ailment.
- There are multiple issues or ailments occurring in the body simultaneously.
- Stress brought on by the sickness or illness making things worse and causing the body to compete with itself.
- Nutritional or lifestyle factors making the body work harder in certain areas, when it is better off fighting illness.
Reiki used for stress and depression related conditions
Reiki is used to provide that extra help and provides a boost for the body, allowing it to begin the process of wellness. It is specifically used for a number of conditions and ailments to include:
- Headaches – releasing tension and blood flow.
- Fatigue – providing an energy boost.
- Stress release – as the energy system works in tandem with the nervous system.
- Sleeping disorders – the crown chakra covers the pineal gland and this is responsible for sleep.
- Pain Relief – relaxing the veins and muscles.
- Depression – Working on the emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
As Ki energy flows in and around everyone’s body, Reiki can be used for the young, the old, even babies and for pregnant mothers. Babies and animals respond very well to energy. Reiki can be even be used in emergency situations for the treatment of shock and has been used by many people around the world for their long term illnesses. Usually when it comes to long term ailments many people receive a Reiki 1 attunement to empower themselves to give themselves treatments as and when needed. There are lots of benefits of Reiki and it is an excellent addition to your current medical or alternative healing treatments, which can strengthen and enhance results.
Reiki used for self-awareness
As Reiki can bring clarity to the causative factors of certain things in your life, it is known as self-awareness. Those situations that are frustrating, traumatic, upsetting and you need answers as to, are all accessible and resolvable by using Reiki. Self-awareness is another way of saying that you understand the situation, you have empathy, compassion and therefore forgive yourself for holding onto it and letting it take control over who you are. You come to a place of recognising cycles that are gifted to you, to explore those buried emotions associated with the situation or trauma and these are opportunities to forgive and let go. There are many ways to forgive and let go but using Reiki self-healing techniques allows us to go back and forward in time (using Reiki symbols) and directly work on specific issues.