Symbol-Reiki whites

Reiki Belfast

Reiki Belfast or anywhere in Northern Ireland, at a Belfast city centre location,  provided by Razure Energy Healing


Reiki Belfast:  Popular now more than ever

Reiki in Belfast is becoming more popular due to an increased awareness of the positive effects that a Reiki treatment can provide. Reiki is not used as a substitute for traditional medicine but complements and works alongside it.

Razure energy healing provides Reiki treatments in Belfast in a relaxing and caring environment. I am a Reiki Master teacher providing Reiki treatments and Reiki training in Belfast , see also Reiki courses.

What’s involved in a Reiki session?

Belfast’s Reiki sessions vary in length, as they do in other parts of the world. A normal Reiki treatment would last from 40 to 45 minutes which is sufficient time for a session of Reiki. I prefer to give at least 1 hour per session and 1 hour 30 minutes for the first consultation. I feel there is a need to fully communicate and explain the treatment process and sufficient time given for the treatment and the feedback session. A full list of personal preferences and standards of care, for treatments and the courses that I teach are in my Code of ethics page.

I offer a consultation process and thereafter create an aftercare plan, ensuring there is an ongoing self improvement process. At the consultation I will briefly describe what is Reiki? and what it is Reiki used for? and go over the benefits of Reiki before the treatment begins. I also believe in being open and getting as much information as I can across about Reiki and healing and how it works. Only so much can be talked about in a session and the session is for you. I provide a booklet of information to take home to explain things better and resources to find more information. Also have a look at my blog  information and resources.

How does Reiki work, here in Northern Ireland?

Reiki is known as a hands-on healing or therapy and hands are positioned over the chakra areas where the energy flows to dispel any blockages and balance the body’s energy system. Some practitioners do place their hands directly on the body and others hold their hands over the chakra but off the body. There is no difference in how effective the treatment is and depends on what is needed at that time whether working on the physical body or on the higher energy channels.

The healee (person getting a treamtent) will lye on a massage type bed, fully clothed, with a blanket placed over the body.  Relaxing music is usually played and the session may be accompanied by using crystals.

How a practitioner accesses the life force energy can be explained by describing how a radio works. Radio waves are broadcast into the field and it is the receiver’s job to pick up the signals, so you could say that the practitioner is tuning into the Reiki ‘waves’. You can tune the radio to a certain frequency to pick up a specific channel and this is what happens you when are attuned to Reiki. When the signal is picked up it is transmitted through radio speakers and into the room, as with Reiki it is transmitted via the practitioner’s hands. This analogy can also be used to explain the different types of healing energy that is transmitted and received by healing practitioners.

Clients usually feel hot or cold and tingling sensations in the body this is the energy working its way through the energy system.

What happens after a treatment?

Upon completion of a session they commonly feel a deep sense of relaxation and feeling as if they had a good nights sleep and tend to exhibit an increase in energy for at least two to three days after. The longevity of this energy increase depends on the number of treatments taken.  We will sit and discuss the session afterwards and depending on the outcome, we can offer options for self care, if needed.

An aftercare program will be tailored for each client for self empowerment, as Reiki creates conditions for the naturally healing process to begin and speeds up the healing process. In the end it is about personal responsibility in taking action, changing thinking and taking the first steps to a better life.

If you cannot make it to the centre i can travel to you but I also offer distant healing. You can add your name, family member or anyone in need, to the healing book for free healing. This is carried out every Tuesday morning at 11am.

To view further information or make an enquiry go to the Treatment bookings page.

I also provide Seichim healing which also holistic and works on all levels at once: physical, emotional and mental thought processes but seems to resonate with the emotional, mind and spiritual aspects.