
Healing Book-Free Reiki

The Healing book request is a free healing service for those in need. Healing is sent every Wednesday at 11:11, so join in to amplify the intent. Existing students and other healing practitioners can also join. Simply attend whereever you are on the day and time specified.

Free Reiki Distant Healing:

Distant healing is the process of sending healing at a distance instead of the person having to be physically in front of you. It has been a proven method of healing by numerous experiments over the years. Quantum physicists are coming to the same conclusion in that time and space do not matter when working with energy as they are connected regardless. Additional information can be found on the Reiki 2 Attunement page.

It is a simple but effective process and this is how it will be implemented:

  • Complete the form below to send information on who needs healing
    Photos are optional but is part of the visualisation process
  • Names and photos will be added to a healing book
  • Distance healing will be performed on the book
  • Additional methods will be used to keep the healing process lasting longer and further amplified.


Distance healing will be performed every Wednesday at 11:11am GMT but please feel free to join in from where you are at the same time or a time of your choosing with the intention of giving healing to the person or people you have added to the healing book. Healing in groups is a very powerful intention, as is meditating in groups.

Please feel free to contact me share any feedback on distant healing sessions.

Healing Book Form

*After form submission, you will be sent a confirmation message, within a few minutes.  Please check your Junk E-mail (or Spam) folder just in case the confirmation email got delivered there instead of your inbox. If so, select the confirmation message and click Not Junk (or Not Spam), which will allow future messages to get through.**