
Egyptian Sekhem Courses

Egyptian Sekhem is an ancient healing system with its uses in previous dynasties of Egypt with its origins from the Sirius star constellation.  One of its many applications are for Karmic imbalances and DNA  healing (ancestral & past life residues).

As with everything that is in constant movement and evolution, so too has this system and its teachings.  You have an unique opportunity to learn and experience this offering.

Egyptian Sekhem is a very high vibrational frequency and concentration of energy coming from source but resonating at as specific and profound vibration. Its aspect of unconditional love is to a degree that you may not have experienced before. For many it feels like going ‘home’. The template for your DNA is activated to higher levels of light vibration with each Egyptian Sekhem attunement and continued use.

Egyptian Sekhem and other healing modalities have been traditionally hierarchical for excellent reasons, such as keeping information intact and viable. In the past the initiate would have had to undertake many years of devotion and personal sacrifice to learn these healing systems. Today we live in a world where the need to raise the mass consciousness has become critical for humanity’s and the earth’s survival, and so we no longer have the time for these long drawn out apprenticeships and years of servitude.

There are five different initiations each to increase the light within your body and DNA to assist you in raising your consciousness and increasing your connection to your higher consiousness.

The multidimensional nature of its vibrational oscillations means aligning with different time lines for karmic and dimensional work. It connects that glorious intent and creation for yourself to that reality, which best matches your highest intent. Further information can be obtained in the What is Egyptian Sekhem section.

Four empowering attunements of Egyptian Sekhem

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Egyptian Sekhem Level 1

Egyptian Sekhem Level One

At level one the technique on how to connect to the energy of Egyptian Sekhem from the Soul Star to the Earth Star Chakras and the expansion of the heart space is taught long with this level symbols.

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Egyptian Sekhem Level 2

Egyptian Sekhem Level Two

Devling deeper into the heart directed and DNA reprogramming techniques and symbols, together with energy extraction tools.

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Egyptian Sekhem Advanced

Egyptian Sekhem Advanced Level Active participation and intention based healing is highly potent, so we go through methods of both external and internal body scanning and corresponding psycho-emotional relationships.

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Egyptian Sekhem Master Level

Egyptian Sekhem Master Level Time, space, portals and gateways are the focus of this level in epxanindg your intentions ans awareness in a multidimensional 5D model of healing and manifestation.

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Egyptian Sekhem Teacher Level

Egyptian Sekhem Master Teacher Level Becoming a teacher is a sacred and honoured pledge to carry on the legacy and continued evolvement of the ES energy and fractal based expansion, expressed in this density.

There are many applications of Egyptian Sekhem. It can facilitate a deep healing and human energy field cleansing and re-adjustment.

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A deeper multidimension healing

Imbalances in the human energy field and physical body. manifestation can stem from not only this life events but also times before and ancestral threads, which get passed down. ES can facilitate a deeper healing on this level.

Access to unique tools and healing techniques

Specific tools and intention based techniques are taught to aid with self healing or facilitating others healing process.

Enhancing intuition

By utilising your potent heart field in resonance with this energy, can give you the opportunity to tap into your innate intelligence.

Multidimensional healing

Healing outcomes and awareness exist in different 'time spaces' but are all accessible in every moment. ES via intention can be a powerful tool for these outcomes.

Spiritual Growth

Egyptian Sekhem as a tool for spiritual growth and self-awareness, helping individuals connect with their higher selves and inner wisdom.

Learning about manifestation intentions

Certain intentions and symbols are used to enhance manifestations and goals via the zero point field standing wave potential. Tapping into parallel potentialities.