Chakra Balancing Quick & Effective techniques
Additional methods to the basic hand positions
In the Reiki level one workshop we had learned the basic hand positions for self-treatments and treating others both sitting on a chair and lying on a couch. These additional Chakra balancing techniques will assist in aligning the Chakras/body energy field with the intent of a specific vertical flow along the Hara line or central column of light. This intent coupled with the specific hand positions will bring about a particular result for example to help with equal balance or the downward flow from the head or an upward flow from the root Chakra.
In preparation for each technique you would clear the space, centre yourself and then complete the Reiki invocation as normal (to intend the flow of Reiki).
These methods can be used either as quick method of balancing or as an addition to a traditional treatment. I have at times used one of these techniques either to align the Chakras in relation to the issue at hand:
- At the beginning of a treatment
- During or as a full treatment
- At the end of a treatment
No matter for which of the above options when you use the techniques you should always continue with the clearing and closing down sequences, which begins with grounding at the feet.
As everyone has their own way to sense energy or working with their intuition when giving treatments, then for each technique below sensing or knowing that each Chakra is balanced with Reiki may be required but not essential. You may feel or sense energy in different ways such as:
- Tingling sensations in the hands which then subside as energy flows to Chakra.
- Heat or coldness in certain Chakras, again you can wait for a change in temperature as an indicator
- Chakra colours that are seen may change from a murky to a bright colour.
- A feeling of clearing may be sensed, as you work on each area.
- Movement of the hands from one area to the next or being gently pushed vertical as the Chakra fills (law of polarity with magnetic fields), where the weakest will attract a strong field and repel as it gets stronger, thus creating movement)
If you do not work in the above ways of sensing then you would simply allocate sufficient time for each of the Chakras to come into a state of balance. If time is an issue then distribute the time.
As we are creator beings, we shape and create our own realities and if you have heard the term ‘where thought goes energy flows’ this is how much our thoughts influence not only our health and well-being but also our lives. The energy field that interpenetrates all things and is the basis of all realities is sometimes called the universal energy field or Ether. Our thoughts and emotions affect this field and our way of being, living and interacting. On a human energy field level we can direct energy wherever we want throughout our bodies; we can control our breathing, our pain threshold and our mental state of mind.
As we are treating others we can direct via intent (using the same facilities) energy flow and gently enhance the work that Reiki is already doing. With these particular methods you may (if you wish) visualise a gentle flow of energy like water flowing in the direction that you are intending in either of the techniques below i.e. Upward or downwards through the central channel or Hara line.
Technique 1: Balancing from the Head to Root Chakra
This technique would be beneficial for people who have a lot of energy around the head area. It could be the case that they are always in their head in a perpetual motion of thinking, worrying and stressing about this within their reality. Headaches, sinus or neurological imbalances could also be a factor, therefore a downward distribution of energy flow is needed to recalibrate and rebalance.
- Start by placing your hands over the Third eye Chakra and the other hand at the Throat Chakra
- As you feel the Chakras coming into balance then keep your hand on the Third eye but move your other hand from the Throat Chakra to the Heart Chakra.
- Again as you feel them balancing keep your hand on the Third eye and move the other hand to the Solar Plexus.
- You would continue this through the rest of the Chakras holding one hand on the Third eye, until your other hand reaches the Root Chakra
- Again wait for the balance within the Root Chakra and feel the connection between this and the Third Eye Chakra
Technique 2: Balancing from Root Chakra to Head
Another method of aligning the Chakras is from the Root Chakra to the head or Third eye Chakra. As we naturally access energy from various sources form the Earth is very important for our immune system, physical complaints in that area, being connected and present within your life, belonging, our roots / grounding within our existence and of course vital for distribution of energy upwards through the central column of light.
- Start by placing your hands over the Root Chakra and the other hand at the Sacral Chakra
- As you feel the Chakras coming into balance then keep your hand on the Root Chakra but move your other hand from the Sacral Chakra to the Solar Plexus Chakra.
- Again as you feel them balancing keep you hand on the Root Chakra and move the other from Solar plexus to the Heart Chakra.
- You would continue this through the rest of the Chakras holding one hand on the Root Chakra, until your other hand reaches the Third Eye.
- Again wait for the balance within the Third eye Chakra and feel the connection between this and the Root Chakra
 Technique 3: Equilibrium Balance through the Chakras
This technique can be used as a quicker way to correct imbalances in the Chakras equally coming from both ends of the central column of light (Third eye & Root Chakras together). Mostly I have either used it as a complete treatment or as an adjunct to a treatment, which is very effective.
- Start by placing your hands over the Third Eye Chakra and the other hand at the Root Chakra
- As you feel the Chakras coming into balance then move on hand from Third Eye to Throat Chakra and the other from Root Chakra to Sacral Chakras.
- Again as you feel them balancing move one hand from Throat to Heart Chakra and the other from Sacral to Solar Plexus Chakras.
Once any of these are complete then as already mentioned complete the closing down sequence and then proceed with the usual  space clearing method of choice.