
Journalling for Reiki & Self Transformation


Create more joy! Introduction Journalling is one of the most important activities that you can do for self analysis, self awareness and mindfulness to help you move forward in your life.  I know that’s a very profound statement to something that has been around for centuries and in recent times, as a means of venting […]

Importance of Reiki 21 Day Cleanse

21day cleanse

When you have made the decision to move forward in your life, make a commitment to yourself and empower your own being via having a Reiki attunement, there are a number of changes that what happen to your energy bodies that may lead to some positive life changes.  You are saying to your soul, your […]

Chakra Balancing Techniques

Chakra Balancing Quick & Effective techniques Additional methods to the basic hand positions   Introduction In the Reiki level one workshop we had learned the basic hand positions for self-treatments and treating others both sitting on a chair and lying on a couch.  These additional Chakra balancing techniques will assist in aligning the Chakras/body energy […]

Reiki: Self Treatments in everday Life

reiki self treats in busy world

As you have given yourself the gift of Reiki by being attuned to the energy, you now have the tools for self development and empowerment in your life. It is important to self treat daily for the 21 days after an attunement contained as part of the Reiki workshop.  The recommended time based on the […]